IT Outsourcing
The type of application that a client needs will vary depending on the client’s needs. The type of business, the size, the range of clientele all have a role to play here. While having customized applications to cater to the needs does seem to simplify things and improve end-user experience, the fact is that businesses can invest their time and energy into conceptualizing and building such applications. That is where the concept of outsourcing comes into the picture and the services of Right Technology Partners chip in.The reason why outsourcing it to a service-provider is beneficial for your organization is because of the sheer volume of experience that they bring to the table. At Right Technology Partners, we have a highly qualified and dedicated team whose job it is to understand client culture and needs. These sessions are held with client employees and detailed notes are taken on the places where better applications can be of aid. Things like the legacy devices and framework used, the volume of data traffic and the prospective expansion of the organization are all taken into account. The size of the client and the budget are also considered. Post that, our team prepares a detailed plan of action.
It is important to note here that the needs of the clients will vary. Some clients may need an entire software development team to work on its planning, design, testing, and support. There will be others who will need our assistance on any particular aspect such as testing, training or support. Right Technology Partners is adequately staffed to carry out projects based on needs.
We are highly competent to address the unique set of challenges, that comes with our client requests so we conduct each engagement with high priorities and execute in a phased approach.
Detailed Analysis & Agreement: At this stage, the team also analyses the available information and reconciles omissions from the requirements. The same is also shared with the client and feedback given is worked upon. Peer review is done by our team members and any inconsistency that is identified here is acted upon on a high-priority basis. Post all the verification and rectification, a final plan is agreed upon by both the parties involved (that is the client and the outsourced team) which includes pricing models and SLAs/SLOs/KPIs.
Set mission to create custom Solution: Once a clear idea of the technical and financial expectations is set, the team sets out on a mission to create custom solutions that will give clients results that are beyond traditional expectations. At Right Technology Partners, we believe that methodologies are applied to fit in the demands of the clients. Our team categorizes the goals which have been identified into distinct functions. These functions are then made into operations within the intended operation. The aim is to deliver exceptional results and for that, a combination of traditional and contemporary approaches is applied.
Provide far superior Service: At the heart of such hardcore planning and rigorous implementation lies the idea that the client must be given a service that is far superior to what an in-house team would have come up with. In most of the cases, the monetary gains that Right Technology Partners brings to the table are far higher than the outsourcing cost involved. As a result, both we and the client gain from the outsourcing arrangement.
Right Technology Partners – we support our clients in accessing their infrastructure and resource needs and guide them in a right path which in effect can effectively utilize the available talents of the team most efficiently.
research beyond the business plan
We also ensure that the whole team is included in the process and that no one is left out during the turnaround. The most crucial part is ensuring some degree of financial stability during the turnaround.
This is the most worrying part for most clients going through or needing a turnaround; it means that incoming cash flows will change completely. We help ease these issues through fantastic financial projections and a realistic view of what can be accomplished.
Creating a list of potential qualified prospects for your service or product can be daunting when you’re beginning your business. However, this needs to be considered as a follow up on your Target Market Analysis so you can hit the ground running.